Monday, February 23, 2009


So last night after Triston's first birthday (which was awesome) we went to the Shriners Circus. The last time we went Angel was 3 and Jasmine was 1... The girls were sooo excited! We got to the circus a little early so that the girls could ride the ponies and we could get a good seat. Angel rode all by herself and I walked next to Jasmine with their ponies. It was too CUTE! As the circus began and progressed the girls were in absolute awe with all of the sights and amazing tricks the people and animals could do. They LOVED the tigers, horses, dogs, monkeys and elephants that performed! They couldn't take their eyes off of the high wire performers, especially when a man rode a motorcycle on the high wire. The finale was a man being shot out of a canon! Oh and I can't leave out the best part! When we got to the circus I bought each of the girls a program book (with pictures and coloring pages, etc). Well during intermission they announced that if you had a gold star on page 3 of your program then the child won a bicycle... Angel had a gold star! She won a girls bike! So after the circus we got to go down and get her bike and she wanted to walk it out to the car all by herself because it was HER bike. Everyone was leaving and kept looking at us walking out of the circus with the bike (they only gave 8 away with hundreds of people in attendance). Angel was so PROUD! I'm glad my trunk was empty cause the bike barely fit! The trunk wouldn't close of course and the whole way home Angel worried about her bike falling out the back! It was too cute! Every time we hit a bump she would turn around and check on her bike and make sure it was ok. Both kids were dead asleep by the time we got home so I carried them in and tucked them in bed... We all had a GREAT time!

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